Search flights to Karabuk

Unfortunately there is no airport in Karabuk. You can use the highway and reach the closest airport to this location, Zonguldak Çaycuma Airport, within 1 hour13 minutes.

Cheapest Flights to Karabuk

* Ticket prices are subject to change.

About Karabuk

Karabük, which is located in the Western Black Sea Region and became the 78th province in 1995, has traces of many civilizations and it is an important place where the big industrial establishments of our country are located. It is estimated that the oldest known settlement took place in 2500 BC. Hittites, Romans and Ottomans left civilizational monuments thanks to their architecture. Karabük has many places with its natural and historical texture to visit. Canyons are in the lead of places where we can say 'go and see'. Among the canyons that have viewing terrace made of glass and draw attention with their depth, the İncekaya Canyon and the Tokatlı Canyon located in the town of Safranbolu are the most popular ones. The three-story Bulak cave is one of the most worth seeing cave formations in the country and is visited by local and foreign tourists every season. One of the natural beauties of Karabük is Yenice Forests. You can also ride a bicycle in the forest where 15 walking routes are available. Yörük Village, which was taken under protection in 1997, draws attention with its historical houses. The number of places to visit in Karabük, which is a famous city with its different architecture and its historical mansions, is also quite high.

Karabük, which has the characteristics of the Black Sea climate, is affected by the continental climate since it is located inside the coast. The economy of the town is based on iron and steel industry and manufacturing. Transportation to Karabük can be done by airway and railway beside the highway. The nearest airport is Ankara Esenboğa Airport, which is 240 km away. From the airport, you can reach Karabük by bus from Ankara or by renting a vehicle.