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Cheapest Flights to Khartoum

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From the Most Popular Cities to Khartoum

* Ticket prices are subject to change.

About Khartoum

Khartoum is the capital city of Sudan, a North African country. Situated on the banks of Nile River, the city is also the sister city of Istanbul. It is also the biggest city in Sudan, which is among the developing countries. Khartoum is especially a center of attention for the sectors like construction, furniture and pvc joinery. Khartoum is a city where drivers have their own traffic rules and the traffic is almost always too intense. The number of car is very high because oil prices are quite cheap. Public transportation is not very developed in the city. Although there are buses and minibuses, they are not very satisfactory in terms of comfort. You don't have to buy ticket to benefit from these public transportation options, but you should bargain with the driver in advance.

If you want to travel by taxi, you should negotiate for the taxi fare. However, there are not many taxis in the city and generally the taxi drivers don't know English. Most of the transportation vehicles in the city are called "tuk-tuk". These are a three-wheeled motor vehicle that we are used to seeing in Far East countries. These vehicles, which are open on both sides and covered with a kind of tarpaulin, are a good way to travel in the warm weather of Khartoum. However, please remember that these vehicles are only used for short distances.

Transportation to Khartoum City Center from Airport


Khartoum International Airport

There is an international airport in Khartoum, but preparations are under way for a new airport as it is not sufficient to meet the needs. The new airport is 40 kilometers to the south from Khartoum. Khartoum also has a railway transport system that connects to the surrounding areas and even to Egypt, although it is not used in urban transport.

There are not many alternatives to reach the city center from Khartoum International Airport which is 12 kilometers to the center of the city. Especially in the city where public transport is hardly used at long distances, car rental is the most preferred method. Of course, the fact that gasoline prices are extremely cheap is a big factor.

Hotel Shuttle

If you are not thinking about renting a car, the easiest and most reliable way for you is to use hotel shuttles. You should definitely check in advance whether or not your hotel provides this service and if they do you should make a reservation with your hotel. You can negotiate the price.


Although taxis are not used very much in the city center, you can find them at the airport. But you have to make a strict negotiation at first about the fee. If you are going to use taxi, you can reach the city center in about 20 minutes under normal traffic conditions.

Car Rental

One of the most preferred transportation methods in the city is car rental. The cheap gasoline prices are the biggest factor here. You can consider renting a car since finding a taxi in the city is not easy and other public transportation alternatives are not very comfortable. In this regard, you can benefit from car rental companies located at the airport. On the other hand you can also get help from the hotel you stay at. The biggest disadvantage of renting a car in Khartoum is the dense traffic flow.

If you have rented a car in this city where the traffic signs are not frequently used and the number of cars in the traffic is high, you should be very careful. If you rent a car, you can arrive from the airport to the city center within 20 minutes by taking a straight road via Africa Street.

Weather in Khartoum

DayMin - Max
FridayMin 29ºC - Max 38ºC
SaturdayMin 28ºC - Max 33ºC
SundayMin 27ºC - Max 34ºC
MondayMin 26ºC - Max 34ºC
TuesdayMin 26ºC - Max 34ºC

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