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Flight Duration16 hour 40 min

Popular Flight Destinations in Eswatini

About Eswatini

The Kingdom of Eswatini, one of the countries located in the south of Africa, is also known as Swaziland. The country's name means "the land of the Swazis." The capital and largest city of Eswatini is Mbabane.
Before gaining independence, there was consideration to name Swaziland after the former king Ngwane. However, later it was decided to name it Eswatini, and it became one of Africa's smallest countries on the maps.
Even though the country is governed by an absolute monarchy, with Mbabane serving as the administrative capital, Lobamba is recognized as the royal and legislative capital. As a legacy of years of British colonization, English is the official language in Eswatini. The second official language alongside English is the Swati language.
The majority of the country's population, which is close to 1.5 million, is composed of the largest ethnic group, the Swazis. Apart from Swazis, various ethnic groups such as Zulu and Sotho also reside in Eswatini. A significant portion of the population in the country consists of young people.
The underdevelopment of the country's economy and inadequate healthcare contribute to the relatively low elderly population in Eswatini.
Eswatini, generally under the influence of a subtropical climate, experiences temperatures ranging from 13 to 27 degrees Celsius throughout the year. Rainfall is typically seen during the summer months, and living conditions can be challenging for visitors in many regions during these periods.
Besides English and Swati, you may encounter various local languages and dialects spoken in Eswatini, such as Zulu and Tsonga. Especially if you plan to travel to rural areas outside the capital, it would be beneficial to travel with local guides to communicate more easily with the local population.
A significant portion of the Swazi population adheres to Christianity as their religious belief. Some Christians are Catholic, while the majority are Protestant. In addition to Christian beliefs, there are also Muslim, Jewish, and groups following local African religions in the country, although their proportion to the overall population is not high.
Despite its extremely small size, Eswatini offers visitors breathtaking natural beauty. However, it's important to be cautious about epidemic diseases in the country. AIDS and various other infectious diseases are widespread in Eswatini, contributing to a lower average life expectancy.
Among the most cultivated crops in Eswatini, maize is a primary ingredient in delicious dishes prepared in the country. In addition to meals made with maize and maize flour, you can also taste dishes cooked with antelope meat and enjoy fruits unique to the region in Eswatini.

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