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Flight Duration8 hour 20 min

About Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is a small landlocked country located between Switzerland and Austria, without any coastline. It is the fourth smallest country in Europe in terms of land area, with one half comprising the Rhine Valley, and the other half being the Alpine region.
Liechtenstein, the world's sixth smallest country, has a history dating back to the 18th century. With a population of around 39,000, about 6 out of every 100 people in Liechtenstein are immigrants. The native population mainly lives in the Rhine Valley.
Vaduz, the capital of Liechtenstein, is the largest and most developed city. Another significant town, Balzers, is small but quite charming. Cities like Schellenberg, Triesen, and Triesenberg are also popular and well-developed.
German is the official language in the country, and the Alemannic dialect is also widely used. Liechtenstein, known for adventure sports, mountaineering, and skiing, has a highly developed tourism industry. With significant investments in finance and banking, Liechtenstein experiences a particularly busy winter season, with most tourists choosing winter months for sports like skiing.
Liechtenstein doesn't rely heavily on agriculture as a significant income source because locally produced agricultural products are mainly consumed within the country. Instead, the major exports include industrial goods, machine parts, electronic products, and motor vehicle parts.
Liechtenstein, at a high altitude, typically has a temperate climate. Winters are cold and rainy, starting around November, and the influence of southern winds keeps the climate mild year-round, making winter a popular time for tourists. Liechtenstein celebrates its National Day on August 15th with vibrant festivities. Additionally, the country hosts colorful festivals and events throughout the year, including Candlemas, Epiphany, Fasnachtsdienstag, and a film festival held in Vaduz every January.
The traditional Liechtenstein cuisine, heavily influenced by German, Austrian, and Swiss cuisine, features schnitzel, salads, and dishes made from seafood. Offering unique flavors, Liechtenstein cuisine attracts the interest of many tourists, providing them with different culinary experiences.

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