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Flight Duration3 hour 50 min

Popular Flight Destinations in Netherlands Antilles

About Netherlands Antilles

The Netherlands Antilles, a community of islands in the Caribbean Sea, was a country consisting of islands such as Saba, Bonaire, Curaçao, and Sint Maarten. The Netherlands Antilles, also known as the Dutch West Indies in previous periods, was separated into different administrative regions by a referendum held in 2010.

With the new administrative structure of the country, Sint Eustatius, Bonaire and Saba islands became private municipalities of the Netherlands, whereas Curaçao, Sint Maarten and Aruba became autonomous administrations of the Netherlands.

Throughout history, the islands, which had been colonized by different European countries such as Great Britain and Spain, were later connected to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and turned into one of the most important centers of slave trade in the world. First, Aruba left the country in 1986 and continued its existence as an autonomous administration.

The best part of the country, which many visitors refer to as "Little Netherlands" due to its colorful social and cultural life, is comprised of volcanic lands. The islands are eligible for sea and sun vacations in all seasons due to the mild weather that lasts throughout the year in Turkey. However, severe hurricanes, whose effects increase especially in summer, can make living conditions difficult.

A significant part of the inhabitants of the islands consists of African and Caribbean immigrants and settlers from Europe and Asia. The economy of the islands is generally based on oil trade as well as agriculture, which can be carried out limited areas. Dutch and English are the main languages spoken in the Netherlands Antilles.

Although tourism has remained a little in the background in recent years, it is still an important field of activity in the country, which is the favorite address of the tourists coming from the surrounding countries and Europe with its magnificent bays and spectacular beaches.

In Willemstad, the capital of Curaçao, of the Netherlands Antilles, you can walk through the city's colorful streets and come across fascinating surprises in its streets, which resemble a small European city. Established on the canal in the city, "Floating Market" is the favorite of those who want to do shopping for local products. The city, which is comprised of sections such as Otrobanda and Punda, is a small copy of Amsterdam in many aspects.

During your visit to the country, you can find many of the Dutch flavors in addition to Caribbean cuisine with colorful flavors. Fish and seafood, especially flavored with different sauces, are among the foods that must be tried in the Netherlands Antilles.

In Curaçao, which has been included in the popular vacation routes of visitors with its rich cultural life, you can visit the Curaçao Underwater Park to descend to the colorful world of the ocean and visit the Curaçao Maritime Museum to take a trip to the maritime history from the first settlers who came to the region until today.

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